Dennis Maloney
Dennis Maloney is a poet and translator. A number of volumes of his own poetry have been published, including The Map Is Not the Territory: Poems & Translations and Just Enough. His book Listening to Tao Yuan Ming was published by Glass Lyre Press in 2015. A bilingual German/ English volume, Empty Cup, was published in Germany in 2017. In 2019 a chapbook, Windows, with translations in several languages, will appear in Germany from Hochroth Verlag and a book of poems, The Faces of Guan Yin, will be published by Folded Word Press. His works of translation include The Stones of Chile by Pablo Neruda, The Landscape of Castile by Antonio Machado, Between the Floating Mist: Poems of Ryo-kan, and The Poet and the Sea by Juan Ramón Jiménez.
He is also the editor and publisher of the widely respected White Pine Press in Buffalo, New York, and divides his time between Buffalo and Big Sur, California.
Windows, a poetry collection by Dennis Maloney,
is now available from MadHat Press.
is now available from MadHat Press.