Joshua Corey
Joshua Corey is a poet, critic, and novelist. With G.C. Waldrep he edited The Arcadia Project: North American Postmodern Pastoral (Ahsahta Press, 2012) and with Jean-Luc Garneau he translated Francis Ponge’s first book as Partisan of Things (Kenning Editions, 2016). He is the author of several poetry collections including Severance Songs (Tupelo Press, 2011) and The Barons (Omnidawn Publishing, 2014), as well as a novel, Beautiful Soul: An American Elegy. Hannah and the Master, a poetic fantasia on the notorious romance between Martin Heidegger and Hannah Arendt, will be published in 2019 by Ahsahta Press. He lives in Evanston, Illinois, with his wife and daughter and teaches English at Lake Forest College.
Hannah and the Master,
a poetry collection by Joshua Corey,
is now available from MadHat Press.
The Transcendental Circuit: Otherworlds of Poetry,
an essay collection by Joshua Corey,
is now available from MadHat Press.