Carol Frost

Her poems have been published in four Pushcart Prize anthologies and in magazines across the country. Some of those publications include American Poetry Review, Antaeus, The Atlantic, Gettysburg Review, Georgia Review, Harvard Review, Iowa Review, Kenyon Review, Mademoiselle, Massachusetts Review, Michigan Quarterly Review, Missouri Review, Ninth Letter, Ohio Review, The New York Times, New England Review, New Republic, New Letters, North American Review, Northwest Review, Partisan Review, The Paris Review, Ploughshares, Prairie Schooner, Poetry, Poetry International, Poetry NOW, Shenandoah, Solstice, A Magazine of Diverse Voices, Southern Review, Subtropics, Third Coast, TriQuarterly, and Virginia Quarterly Review.
Frost was poetry co-editor with Martha Collins of Pushcart Prize XXVIII, and in 2005 she was on the poetry panel of judges for the National Book Awards. She is the recipient of two NEA Fellowships; she directs the Winter With the Writers Festival of the Literary Arts at Rollins College, where she holds the Theodore Bruce and Barbara Lawrence Alfond Chair in English; and in 2019 she was named a chancellor for the Florida State Poets Association.