In his 19th book of verse, the New Romantic sonnets of Jeffrey Cyphers Wright are accompanied here by his beguiling artworks.
“Wright is our grand lyric master.”
—Andrei Codrescu
“Jeff Wright is an ourobouros poet-activist ‘munching on the tail end of infinity’ while smiling, singing, babysitting, bolstering the weak and pointing the way with poetry. His rhino horns and coral reef trombones, his vast vats of sperm-whale sperm and flame-thrower UFOs will grab you by your anathemas and never let go. For this alone, let us make much of him. He’s badass and way beyond OG. He’s the one and only ODG—the original doppelgängster, like his title says. He’s the wild, beautiful ODG of the LES (Lower East Side) full of PDQ (poetry’s dark quotidians) and NSFW (Not Safe for Work). Well, sometimes he’s safe for work. Like when he says, ‘It’s time to make something / that will last for all time.’ Maybe he has.”
—Sharon Mesmer
“Jeffrey Cyphers Wright’s poems contain a universe within fourteen lines. Wright’s West Virginia background surfaces in Doppelgängster. In these poems, he perceives and rearranges the crazy twisted Americana of this time.”
—Chris Kraus