Cardinal Points is the English-language journal founded by Oleg Woolf (1954-2011) as part of StoSvet Press (now run by Irina Mashinksi). StoSvet now produces numerous works of interest to those who love both English and Russian-language literature, such as the Russian literary journal Стороны света, numerous Russian-language books, and the Compass Translation Award which facilitates the translation of Russian poets into English (and publishes the many results within Cardinal Points). MadHat Press is delighted to partner with StoSvet in the production of Cardinal Points vol.4, which features poetry, fiction, creative non-fiction, and scholarly essays by Annelisa Allevar, Nikolai Baitov, Polina Barskova, Marina Boroditskaya, Nina Cassian, Robert Chandler, Alex Cigale, Boris Dralyuk, Sibelan Forrester, Andrey Gritsman, J. Kates, Kerry Keys, Yelena Lembersky, Larissa Miller, Jamie Olson, Sonata Paliulyté, Slava Polishchuk, Lothar Quinkenstein, Draginja Ramadanski, Aist Sergeev, Yevgeniy Sokolovskiy, Alla Steinberg, Alexei Tsvetkov, Alexander Veytsman, Oleg Woolf, and Mikhail Zoshchenko, with the translations of Michele A. Berdy, Alexandra Berlina, Robert Chandler, Catherine Ciepela, Alex Cigale, Boris Dralyuk, Brian Droitcour, Sasha Dugdale, Sibelan Forrester, Alyssa Gillespie, Leah Goldberger, J. Kates, Kerry Keys, Fyodor Manin, Richard McKane, Jamie Olson, Peter Oram, Eugene Serebryany, Alla Steinberg, and Josephine von Zitzewitz.
We know you'll enjoy this fabulous anthology, and hope you check out our partner in its creation, StoSvet Press.
Cardinal Points Journal vol.4
edited by Irina Mashinksi
$19.95, paperback, 288pp
ISBN-13: 978-1-941196-09-0