Roberta Swann

Roberta Swann’s poetry and fiction have appeared in many journals, including Kenyon Review, North American Review, Ploughshares, College English, Indiana Review, The Village Voice, The American Voice, Alaska Review, The New York Times, and so on. Of her most recent book, Everything Happens Suddenly, Mary Oliver wrote that the poems “are deft and full of charm and humor, a mixture of dark and light—the embrace of all of it. That is her special gift.”
She has taught at The Cooper Union, The Bennington Writing Workshops, Indiana University, The New School, Baruch College, Cape Cod Writers’ Conference, and Poets and Writers. She has been in residence at the McDowell Colony and the Dorland Mountain Colony. She appears in Who’s Who in American Women, The New Grove Dictionary of Jazz, and elsewhere. For fifteen years she was Director of Public Programs at Cooper Union’s Great Hall, where she co-founded The American Jazz Orchestra.
Crack in the Door, a collection by Roberta Swann, is now available from MadHat Press.