Flavia Cosma
Flavia Cosma is a Canadian poet, author and translator of Romanian origin, with 27 books of poetry, a novel, a travel memoir and 5 children’s books. Her work appears in numerous anthologies in various languages, and her book 47 Poems received the ALTA Richard Wilbur Poetry in Translation Prize. She is the Director of the International Writers’ and Artists’ Residence at Val-David, Quebec, the Director of the Biannual International Festivals at Val-David, and the International Editor for Cervená Barva Press, Somerville, Massachussets. Visit http://www.flaviacosma.com
“The poetry of Flavia Cosma acts upon the reader like a sensual and mystical
alchemy. She seduces us in the fullest meaning of the term. Flavia whispers in
our ear forgotten words that cradled our childhood, hums enchanted nursery
tales. The Latin Quarter is a stunning earthly festival where fairies and imps
flirt in the forest, where sea and sky meld in ceremony with radiant souls.
Love and death, longing for a loved one too soon departed, transcendence,
recurring themes in her work, saturate Flavia’s poetry. May the reader fall in
love with this collection in which the poet gives herself wholly.”
—DENIS EMORINE, Francopolis.net