Andrea Moorhead
Moorhead writes both in English and in French. Her most recent collections are Tracing the Distance (The Bitter Oleander Press) and À l’ombre de ta voix (Le Noroît). Her translations of Francophone poetry include the work of Abderrahmane Djelfaoui, Élise Turcotte, Hélène Dorion, and Marie-Christine Masset. Visual poetry is a special love; her photos appear in numerous international literary journals.
Moorhead’s poems often develop multiple voices that interact. Sometimes it is the Earth that speaks, sometimes a person. The interplay between different voices creates dynamic tension in the poems and allows the reader to participate on many levels.
Over the years, Moorhead has incorporated ecological concerns and world events in her writing. The impact of global conflicts, natural disasters, and human destructiveness has become an important aspect of her work. The impact of wars and climatic extremes on people’s lives is the focus of poems that move the reader towards the transcendent nature of the human spirit.
The Magician’s Tales
is now available from MadHat Press.
is now available from MadHat Press.